FAQ's: Buying and Selling property - and Living in Costa Rica

Frequently Asked Questions

Me, that’s who! And you can, too, if you’re looking for a better lifestyle or want to diversify your assets for a greater return, live in the tropics, and enjoy a better life, overall. Don’t just take it from me. Many North Americans, Europeans, and even some folks from South America have seen the value, beauty, and benefits of investing in property in Costa Rica. 

Many people, from friends to family and even some clients have asked me, “Why did you invest in Costa Rica?” I always reply with the same answer: “Tell me where else you can find a place as beautiful, with great weather, and locals who don’t call you names or treat you like a rodent. And don’t forget, the taxes are much lower than where you live now. Let’s not forget the opportunity for a return on investment. Over the years, I have seen many investors more than double their money just on real estate alone. Of course, it all comes down to buying right!”

Dreaming of Living the Pura Vida Lifestyle? Check Out These Helpful Guides:

Who really moves to Costa Rica? Well, like I’ve mentioned before, I did – and I’ve never regretted making the move. This isn’t a sales ploy. If you’re seeking a calmer lifestyle, political stability, beautiful scenery, great beaches, beautiful mountains and warm, friendly people, then Costa Rica should be on your radar.

Friends and family still ask me, “Why do you want to live in Costa Rica?” I always respond, “Have you been to Costa Rica, specifically Guanacaste? If you haven’t, what are you waiting for? Don’t wait for the “bucket list” – that’s for when you’re dying! Tell me about someplace else that offers what Costa Rica does.”

The weather here is spectacular 98% of the year. The people are warm and friendly, and the cost of living is lower than in most parts of the USA, Canada, and certainly Europe. Yes, prices have increased, but that’s a global trend. If you ever need to return to your home country, Costa Rica isn’t too far away.

If you’re considering moving to Costa Rica or just owning a vacation home here, there’s no better place than Guanacaste – specifically the Papagayo region, which encompasses Playas del Coco, Playa Hermosa, Playa Panama, Playa Ocotal, and as far south as Matapalo – only 15 minutes away from all the activities on paved roads.

Here is a list of the types of people who’ve made the move to Costa Rica:

  1. Retirees: Those ready to retire from 2007 to 2009 could not afford to do so in the US as they watched most of their net worth go down with the stock market.
  2. Adventure Seekers: Let’s face it, moving to any foreign country where the language, culture and customs are different is an adventure all its own.
  3. Future Retirees: These are folks who saw the opportunity early and made the move and are happy they did.
  4. Middle-Aged Professionals: Those who were tired of the grind, paying exorbitant taxes and struggling just to get by.
  5. Nature Lovers: There is nothing more to say about this as Costa Rica has 5% of all the world’s biodiversity in this tiny country.
  6. Young Families: They want a more peaceful and friendly lifestyle for their children to grow up in and become culturally diverse.
  7. Investors: Those who see the future and the potential of this small Central American country and want to be a part of it.

Lastly are those who really want the “Pure Life”. Personally, I do not want to live in the Caribbean. There are too many hurricanes and I could lose everything in one storm! I know I cannot afford Hawaii as prices there are easily five to eight times higher than Costa Rica. Mexico and other Central American countries like Honduras and Guatemala are way too dangerous with drug wars and unstable governments.

A really big reason for living in Costa Rica for me and many other people is simple: Who wants to stay in the cold weather of the north? At least here, the weather is always temperate and steady year round, and it’s not as congested as places like Phoenix, South Florida and other retirement locations. So, if you are looking for a change of life and a better way to enjoy life, I recommend the Papagayo region of Costa Rica and all the benefits, beauty, and joy it offers.

Come join me, won’t you? I am sure you will not be sorry!!!

When it comes to making the move to Costa Rica, you might find that many websites suggest renting first to ensure you like it before making a decision to buy a home. It is true that Costa Rica is not for everyone. Of course, everyone has opinions, and these websites are often written by property management companies or anyone else looking to rent out their property. Personally, I see it this way: Why spend money that could be going towards ownership and equity in real estate investment? Renting is not owning, and at the end of the day, you have nothing to show for it.

The Pros of Renting in Costa Rica:

  • You are not paying the property taxes, which, by the way, are very low here.
  • You are not paying the Homeowners Association fees if any.
  • You are not paying, in most cases, any repair and maintenance costs.

The Cons of Renting in Costa Rica:

  • You own NOTHING! With the exception of your furnishings and personal items.
  • You are at the whim of the landlord. If they decide that they won’t fix something like the A/C, then what? If it takes them a couple of weeks to get it fixed you are the one who suffers. What are you going to do? Start looking for another place and who needs that hassle?
  • You can’t change the layout to suit your needs, wants, and desires because you don’t own it. You can only move furniture around.
  • If you really like Costa Rica and you decide to purchase; you just wasted 6 to 12 months’ worth of money that could have been used towards a purchase.
  • Most sellers want to use their rental homes during the high season so they can be near the beach. This means you may only get a rental for 6 months during the Low season when it rains. Then what? You have to start looking for another rental property again.
  • If you are considering renting to see if Costa Rica is for you and after a year you decide it is where you want to live you may have lost out on properties that were purchased while you were paying rent.
  • If you have decided that “yes” Costa Rica is for you and are not ready to make the move full time, you may have just wasted six months or more of potential rental income that would be in your pocket.
  • One Last thing, and this is a reality of life anywhere in the world; we all have to pass on sometime. If you rent what did you leave your loved ones?

I could elaborate on why I believe renting long-term just to see if you like it is a waste of money. My recommendation is that if you are unsure whether living in Costa Rica is for you, then rent a place for just a couple of months. If you can’t figure out whether Costa Rica is right for you in two months, how is six months or a year going to make a difference? All you’d have is an extended vacation. This might be suitable for some, but personally, it wouldn’t work for me. I believe in real estate as a solid investment, no matter where in the world it is. I’ve rented only twice in my life, and both experiences were horror stories. After the second time, I decided I wanted to control my surroundings, rather than leave it up to some unpredictable landlord.

Most likely, the websites and people recommending renting before buying are doing so because they themselves can’t afford to purchase. Those who can afford to purchase property generally do so and don’t spend time renting. Successful people have often accumulated wealth by buying property when the market is down.

If you do have a desire to rent before making the big deal, here are a few links to property management and rental companies I recommend:

There are two critical questions you should ask any real estate agent in Costa Rica before you start working with them. The first question is, “Are you registered with SUGEF?” In Costa Rica, all persons claiming to be a Real Estate Agent are required to be duly registered with SUGEF (Superintendencia General de Entidades Financieras), the Spanish acronym for the General Superintendent of Financial Institutions. This government agency oversees all banking, as well as any company in Costa Rica that receives third-party funds from abroad. This includes, for example, escrow agencies and property managers. 

The second question you should ask is if they’re a registered active member in good standing with one of the only two government-recognized real estate associations, CRGAR (Costa Rica Global Association of Realtors) or CCCBR (Cámara de Corredores de Bienes Raíces or the Costa Rican Chamber of Real Estate, in English). Both of these associations require their members to obtain full permanent residency status, regardless of citizenship. They are also required to pass mandated real estate courses and exams before becoming a member in order to gain the proper knowledge to represent buyers and sellers in Costa Rica real estate. 

Furthermore, agents are required to be members of NAR, the National Association of Realtors in the US. All agents who pass the required courses and become active members are also required to take continuing education courses offered by the association. For a more detailed explanation, along with some helpful advice to keep in mind during your search for an agent, check out our guide to finding the best realtor in Costa Rica.

Yes, there are homeowners associations in Costa Rica. As a matter of fact, there are two types: one is basically a homeowners association or private club, and the other is called a “condominium”. The latter does not solely refer to a tall building with lots of units in it, like you may be picturing – for example, I live in a Condominium Horizontal (a type of property where owners have separate and shared ownership of the entire property) and it consists of 50 individual, fully titled home lots in a gated community that measures over 62 acres in size. The main differences between the two types of associations include the services and amenities offered, as well as how the association operates, overall. For this reason, some associations carry higher monthly fees than others. While you may assume the “private clubs” would require higher monthly fees, it’s actually the other way around. Now, this is important in terms of getting what you pay for. Your first instinct might be to pay as little as possible, but you may end up opting for the higher priced option, instead.

Check out our guide for more on how property ownership works in Costa Rica.

When considering buying a home in Costa Rica, you may not know exactly what type of property you want to purchase. I’ve had clients whom I’ve communicated with for a couple of years and all they wanted was a “Home” but would not even consider the idea of a condo. Then, when they finally came to see for themselves, it all changed.

The carrying costs in Costa Rica are substantially lower than most other tropical locations, as compared to the Caribbean or Coastal Areas in the US and Canada, and can be as much as 30% less. This may open up new property purchasing options you may have never considered before, from condos, houses and luxury homes to ranches, farms and even plots of land for building the home of your dreams.

For a more detailed explanation, including a breakdown of the average costs for the different types of properties, check out our guide to property ownership in Costa Rica.

This is actually a very easy question to answer, as the laws of Costa Rica dictate the closing costs. When considering purchasing a property, the closing costs will be a percentage of either the agreed-upon sale price, or the legal registered value of the property in the Public Registry system, whichever one is the higher number. Of course, the Government wants their cut, so it will be the higher number.

The total closing costs should be no higher than 5.5% and can be as low as 3.85%, which is the number you should be looking at when budgeting.

Here’s a detailed breakdown of the fees:

Notary Fees: This is the fee that you will be charged by the attorney/notary representing you in the transaction. The fee will be 1.25% of the higher value between the agreed-upon sale price and the legal registered value of the property in the National Public Registry system. This fee is for the attorney to do all the due diligence on the property to make sure you are purchasing a free and clear title with no liens, encumbrance, or annotations. The Notary will also ensure that once the sale is completed, the new deed will be registered properly under your name or corporation.

Real Estate Transfer Tax: This tax is paid directly to the Costa Rica Government and is 1.6% of the registered value or the agreed-upon sale price, whichever one is higher.

Documentary Stamps: This “tax” is basically what it is and will be 1% of the registered value or the agreed-upon sale price, whichever one is higher.

Escrow Fees: There will be Escrow Fees, which is usually split 50/50 between the buyer and seller. The average cost for both buyer and sellers is about $550 to $1200, depending on the sale price.

Wire Fees: Depending on the escrow company used for holding the funds, wire fees will be about $75 US to disburse the funds after closing. Your bank will also charge you a fee for sending the funds to the escrow company.

Inspection Fees: When purchasing a finished property like a condo or a home, it is recommended to have a home inspection. This will run anywhere from $300 to $700, depending on the size of the property. This will also be paid out at closing by the escrow agency, so no need to send funds for this ahead of time.

Utility Transfer: If you choose to have your attorney transfer the utilities under your name or corporation, it will be an additional cost of approximately $150 to $250, depending on the law firm.

Utility Deposit: You will also have to give a deposit to the utility companies. This will be based on past usage, approximately $250.

Affidavit For Money Laundering: For closing, you will have to sign an affidavit for money laundering, depending on the law firm you use, the fee will be approximately $275.

Special Power of Attorney: If you are not able to be present for the closing, you will have to have a Special Power of Attorney. The cost ranges from $200 to $400.

Corporation: If you choose to put the property under a corporation instead of your personal name, it will run you about $700 to $1200, depending on the law firm or type of corporation you set up. Something else to keep in mind is each year you must pay a corporate tax, register your shareholders and file a tax return.

Survey: When purchasing a house or a lot it is very important to get a licensed topographer to survey the property and make sure all the lot lines are correct. A comprehensive survey with markers all on points of the property will cost around $750. If you need to survey a large property, like a farm, the survey will be more expensive.

MISC FEES: A few additional fees that can be added into a closing are paying your new property taxes and HOA fees in advance.

VAT (13%): All services used in the closing of a property will include a 13% Value Added Tax. For each of the amounts listed above that are being provided as a service, will have this additional tax added on. As an example: You found the condo of your dreams and the sale price is $95,000 but the registered value is $100,000, making the closing costs around $3,850. This number is based on the registered value.

Now, you might be thinking, “But above, you wrote it could be as high as 5.5% – where is the difference?” The difference is actually based on the value of the property. The higher the value of the property, the higher the closing costs will be. But the threshold is very high, as most people are just looking for a nice house or a condo, and that will certainly be priced well below a couple million dollars.

So, when you’re looking at your budget and what you can spend for your piece of paradise, just use the 5% and you’ll be safe.

If the real estate market is bad where you live and you’re wondering if it’s any better in Costa Rica, there is a resounding answer to this question but it is not as easy as saying just a plain “YES!”

The local market has seen a good upswing in the last few years, overall. The group I am associated with, TRES AMIGOS REALTY, has closed more sales this year than the last two combined, and has sold more properties than its competitors added together. More baby boomers and retirees want to get out of the cold of the northern lands and are looking for a safe and affordable option to live and enjoy life.

This has been one of the driving forces behind our market improving. We still see a few investors coming to the market, picking up buildable lots and erecting spec homes for sale to make a decent return on investment.

Although we are seeing the upswing with more buyers, prices are still flat. This is the perfect scenario for the buyer. But, having said that, are there “FIRE SALES”? Well, not too many, as most of them were picked up a few years ago, but there are still many good deals to be had. A lot of people have to remember that, although many of the US markets are coming back, Costa Rica still lags behind by a year or so.

Here’s a breakdown of those buying and how they’ve changed their views on purchasing.

  • Clients who were originally in the extreme Luxury market back in the hay days of 2005 and 2006 with budgets of $2 million or more are still the same looking at palatial estates.
  • Those clients who had a budget of $800,000 to $1.5 million are now looking at properties in the low $800K range and picking up some good deals.
  • The buyers who originally would spend $600K to $800k are now looking for properties below half a million dollars.
  • Then you have the clients who would have spent half a million six years ago looking in the $300,000 range.

Do you see the pattern here? Buyers are still buying, and many want to diversify their assets and own foreign properties for many reasons – and it’s not just the great weather, fantastic beaches, and warm, friendly people.

If you’ve been considering owning your own piece of paradise in the tropics of Costa Rica, and especially in the Guanacaste area, now is the best time to consider. The good deals have been going fast, and when the inventory gets low, we’ll start seeing prices on the rise again, so now’s the time to make the move before it’s too late! Browse through our current listings or contact us – we’d love to help you find your piece of Costa Rican paradise!

The official language of Costa Rica is “Tico” Spanish, which is characterized by its distinct pronunciations, expressions, and slang sayings that set it apart from other Spanish-speaking countries. Check out our guide to learn more about speaking the language of Costa Rica.
The term “Pura Vida” can mean many things, but it has a feeling all of its own – Pura Vida is one of those words that has a good feeling even when you don’t know the literal translation. It means “pure life” and in Costa Rica, you will hear pura vida said in many contexts. It’s a greeting, a salutation, a good-bye, it is said in place of “you’re welcome”, as a general way to end a conversation or in many other interactions. More importantly, pura vida has its own special meaning for Ticos (Costa Ricans) and it’s more about the way of life and the frame of mind in Costa Rica than anything else. Pura vida is unique to Costa Rica; it’s a feeling, and it’s not until you experience Costa Rica culture that you get the full feeling of pura vida and the warmness of this country and its people. Check out our guide to learn more about the language and slang sayings of the Costa Rica.

Costa Rica is officially known as the Republic of Costa Rica, the total land mass 19,575 sq mi (50,700 sq km). It is bordered on the north by Nicaragua, on the east by the Caribbean Sea, on the southeast by Panama, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean. The capital and largest city is San José. There are seven provinces that make up the country of Costa Rica; Guanacaste, Puntarenas, San Jose, Cartago, Limon, Heredia and Alajuela.


Healthcare in Costa Rica is available in the form of a universal healthcare program known as CCSS (Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social), which is for legal residents and citizens, and covers everything from dentistry, eyecare, maternity care and doctor visits to accidents, surgery and other hospital visits.

The healthcare cost is based on monthly income for foreign residents, and monthly salary for legal working citizens, with the employers paying a larger percentage. As a result, Costa Rica’s population is very healthy and enjoys a life expectancy exceeding that of North Americans. Quality of healthcare in Costa Rica is comparable, if not better, to North America but at rates 50%-70% less in costs, making medical tourism an important growing industry in Costa Rica.

When visiting or considering living in Costa Rica, it’s important to note that 911 service standards differ from North American expectations and help may take time to arrive. There is an emergency clinic called Coco Medical Center located in Playas del Coco (on the main road), and there are emergency 911 medical services with an ambulance in Sardinal (about 10 minutes from Hermosa and Playa Del Coco). 

There are also several excellent private doctors in Playas del Coco and several full service hospitals in the area. San Rafael de Arcangel Hospital and Hospital Metropolitano are both located in Liberia and are an excellent, full-service private hospital option as well as the public Hospital Enrique Baltodano.

This depends on which property or hotel you choose for your stay. Close to the beaches in Guanacaste, the largest “city” is Playas del Coco. If you stay at a development such as Pacifico, it is not necessary to rent a car. Restaurants, shopping, grocery stores, and the beach are all walking distance (anywhere between 500 meters to several kilometers). Although in Playa Hermosa, Ocotal or Playa Panama, amenities are not always within walking distance. A car is recommended if you are staying in these communities.

While driving in Costa Rica can be fun and exciting, it can sometimes be a little risky. The roads have improved and renting a car is safe and reliable. We recommend Adobe Rent a Car as a very reputable provider. There are always hazards in a foreign country and it is advisable to understand the local laws and culture but as long as you know how to drive and can read a map, Costa Rica is great to explore! It’s small enough to cover many different and diverse areas in one day or see more remote and interesting areas overnight, with time to explore.

Another great option if you are choosing to stay local in Playa del Coco or Ocotal is renting a golf cart! The golf carts are street legal and are perfect for getting around town to buy groceries or to visit various bars and restaurants. There are a few golf cart rental options in Coco, I have listed the contact info for two below.

Island Golf Cart Rentals
(506) 6025 8947
[email protected]

Rent A Carrito El Coco
(506) 2670 0051

For more on transportation options, check out our guide to getting around the Northwest Pacific Coast of Costa Rica.

How safe it is to drive in Costa Rica depends on where you are. Road conditions vary from well-paved, two-lane roads and multi-lane highways to pothole-filled dirt roads commonly crossing rivers. The rural roads in Costa Rica are often not paved and can be rough especially in the rainy season (May – November). If you rent a car you should have a four-wheel drive for the unpaved roads. However, the roads around Playa Hermosa, Coco, Liberia, and the Gulf of Papagayo area are well-paved.

For more on transportation options and driving in Costa Rica, check out these guides:

The Costa Rican Currency is the Colón (named after its discoverer Christopher Columbus). The current exchange rate is about $1 US Dollar = 515 Colónes; however the rates change frequently but typically stays between 500 and 600 Colónes for $1 US Dollar (check the exchange rate: www.xe.com). The US Dollar is also widely accepted. Credit cards are accepted as well at restaurants or stores and there are ATMs throughout Costa Rica but generally located only at a bank (which may not be on every corner). We advise you to notify your credit card company of your intent to travel abroad prior to your departure. Paying for goods or services with $100 bills can be problematic as many businesses do not take $100’s. Banks will allow you to change your currency into Colónes. Bring your passport and be prepared to wait in line (in most cases). Traveler’s checks are not recommended or widely accepted.

There is 13% sales tax on most foods, liquor, hotels, and restaurants. As of July 2019 there is a 13% tax on services like, attorneys, dentists, doctors and realtors, basically any kind of professional that offers a service.

For more on taxes and cost of living in Costa Rica, check out these guides:

Yes, tipping is a common practice in Costa Rica. There is a 10% gratuity automatically added to your restaurant bill; however, if you feel service was better than 10%, it is customary to leave additional tip money. Just be sure to keep some cash on hand as most credit card receipts don’t leave an extra space to add an additional tip. For services such as transportation, massage therapists, hair stylists, tour operators, tour guides, etc, it’s customary to tip these service providers anywhere from 10% – 20%.

Petty theft in tourist areas can happen. Basic common sense prevails. While in the water (ocean, pool, lake, bay etc), always keep a close eye on your belongings on the beach. Advisable not to carry smart phones, IPads, computers, money, credit cards etc., to the beach if you plan to go in the water. Keep your money on your person or in a safe place, and never leave anything of value in your car. It is also a good idea to keep a copy of your passport with you. Leave your original passport at your home or hotel in a safe place.

Yes, swimming is safe and highly recommended! The best and safest beaches in Costa Rica include Playa Hermosa, Playas del Coco, Playa Ocotal and Playa Panama beaches, which are located in Bahia Culebra (Snake Bay, named after its shape), which is a protected reef and the surf is very calm. There are no rip-tide currents that are associated with the other beaches to the south. Nevertheless, the ocean should always be respected and even though there are not large waves or rip-tides, it is the Pacific Ocean.

Yes – Water is safe to drink in all parts of the country. We recommend traveling with bottles of water at all times to prevent dehydration.

Costa Rica is very laid back and casual so there generally isn’t a need for formal attire. Feel free to go light on luggage as even the nicer restaurants have relaxed standards of dress. Also be sure to pack walking shoes or amphibious hiking shoes to visit some areas you may want to see (or walking on rocky beaches). These areas are forested and feature hot springs, various wildlife, waterfalls, and volcanoes. In the rainy season there may be mud. Bring: sandals, bug spray, sunscreen, hat, light clothes (it always summer here), shorts, t-shirts etc.

The Centers for Disease Control offers recommendations for certain vaccinations (such as tetanus). There are no health requirements for visiting Costa Rica. Be aware that mosquitos are more prevalent in the rainy season (May – November) but can be common any time of the year – especially at dawn or dusk.

Perhaps – it depends on your home cell carrier. If your cell phone doesn’t work we recommend renting a phone through your car rental company or buy a cheap cell phone and buy a temporary SIM card (good for 30 days).

All travelers leaving Costa Rica on a plane for an international destination need to pay the $35 departure tax, which is added by most airlines and included in your ticket price at the time of booking. If not, then just bring your passport to the window and pay prior to checking in. It’s better to use cash, as credit cards are charged as a “cash advance” and you may accrue interest. One person can buy the tax for a whole group as long as they have all passports in hand. Also be sure to have a pen ready to fill out the form once you pay your tax.

There are several different types of taxes Costa Ricans are required to pay, from income and sales taxes to property and road tax. However, not everybody has to pay them all – it depends on your personal and professional situation. Check out our guide to paying taxes in Costa Rica for a full breakdown.

The short answer is yes. Why would you want to leave one of the family members home if you plan to spend any amount of time in Costa Rica? Even if you plan to come on a long vacation, bring them along! I have. It’s not as hard as you may think.

There are rules and regulations set by both the Costa Rican Government and the individual airlines. Of course, each airline’s rules are different. Costa Rica is a very dog-friendly country and you should not have any issues; however, unique animals like exotic birds, horses or livestock need special permits and approvals, so be sure to check with a Costa Rican Embassy about the qualifications for bringing them into the country.

The good thing is there are no quarantine times of any kind for domestic pets, such as dogs and cats. Most of the major airlines allow pets to fly, and the smaller ones can ride with you in the cabin in an approved travel bag (under your seat if they fit). The larger dogs are checked with the luggage in the cargo hold and must be transported in an approved carrier – but don’t worry, they pressurize the cargo hold, as well, when carrying precious cargo such as our beloved pets.

Here’s a list of things to do and/or keep in mind when bringing your pet to Costa Rica:

  1. When you book your airline reservations, check with the airline about their pet policy. Everyone has different rules. There is a list below with all the airline links for you to use.
  2. Bring your dog or cat to your local vet and tell them you plan on traveling internationally so they can do a complete health checkup and make sure your pet is up-to-date on all its shots. Your vet will fill out a health certificate and send it to the governing body over vets in your location for them to be signed off on (this is usually the State or Province Board of Veterinary Medicine).
  3. When you get the health certificate paperwork back from your vet, they are good for 10 days, so you need to already have your flight booked.
  4. Upon your return flight back to the US and Canada, you will need the same documentation from a Costa Rica vet. Have no fears, we have some great vets here in the area that can handle this for you.

The veterinarians in Costa Rica are great, and the prices are a fraction of what you are accustomed to paying back home. I can recommend an exceptional vet (Dr. Delgado), as he’s my go-to when taking my dogs for basic check-ups or major issues. Best of all, he speaks perfect English and, as I say, “has the hands of God attached to him when dealing with animals”. If you should want his contact information, just email me at [email protected]

Listed below are links to all of the airlines that fly into the Liberia International airport and allow your furry four legged family members to come along:

Delta Airlines: https://www.delta.com/content/www/en_US/traveling-with-us/special-travel…

United Airlines: https://www.united.com/web/en-US/content/travel/animals/default.aspx

United Airlines: https://www.united.com/ual/en/us/fly/travel/special-needs/disabilities/a…

American Airlines: https://www.aa.com/i18n/travel-info/special-assistance/pets.jsp

US Airways: https://www.usairways.com/en-US/traveltools/specialneeds/pets.html

Air Canada: https://www.aircanada.com/en/travelinfo/airport/baggage/pets.html

Jet Blue: https://www.jetblue.com/traveling-together/traveling-with-pets

Frontier Airlines: https://faq.flyfrontier.com/help/do-you-allow-pets-on-the-plane

WestJet Airlines: https://www.westjet.com/guest/en/travel/special-arrangements/pets.shtml

Air Alaska- https://www.alaskaair.com/content/travel-info/policies/pets-traveling-wi…

Avianca: https://www.avianca.com/cr/en/before-your-trip/special-needs/pets-on-board/

Southwest Airlines: https://support.southwest.com/helpcenter/s/article/pet-policy

I get asked this question all the time. The simple answer is yes! But you need to know the limitations involved, which depend on whether you’re opening a personal account or a corporate account. There are restrictions set by “SUGEF”, the General Superintendent of Financial Institutions. This is basically the banking regulatory commission of Costa Rica.

The rainy season normally starts in May and ends sometime in November. The rain is more frequent during the later part of September through October. Actually, the Green (rainy) Season is tropical and an average “Green Day” is sunny throughout the morning and early afternoon. Then it gets cloudy and you may have a short shower or downpour. Sometimes, in the late day or evening you could have a thunderstorm followed the next day by sunshine. Playa Hermosa, Coco, Panama and Ocotal receive more sunshine and less rain than anywhere else in Costa Rica.

Playa Hermosa, the town where I own my home and have lived for over 17 years now, it’s one of the beach towns that make up what is known as the Gulf of Papagayo or Parrot Gulf. Playa Ocotal, Playas del Coco, Playa Hermosa and Playa Panama are the four major towns with great infrastructure and a growing and thriving ex-pat community. This area of Costa Rica is located on the northwest Pacific coast of the country, in the province of Guanacaste, also known as the Gold Coast. Some call Costa Rica the Switzerland of the Americas and some relate it to Hawaii before it became overpopulated and too expensive. Guanacaste has many great things to offer, follow me……

Newly Renovated International Airport: The Liberia International Airport, (LIR is the airport code), located about 25 minutes from Playa Hermosa and within an hour’s drive to many great natural places to visit like the Rincon de la Vieja National Park, Palo Verde Natural Reserve, Tamarindo and Flamingo and other areas. LIR serves many US hubs and carriers (Delta, American, United, Avianca, Frontier, Westjet, Jet Blue, Southwest,Thompson Air, Air Alaska, Copa Airlines, and Sansa (easily fly to San Jose – SJO for a fraction of the time it takes to drive).

Close to Hospitals and Medical Care: In the heart of Liberia, just 20 miles away, there is a 300 bed public hospital. There are also 2 state of the art, private hospitals, Centro Medico San Rafael Arcangel and Hospital Metropolitano. Both San Rafael de Arcangel and Metropolitano Hospital are located in Liberia as an excellent, full-service private hospital option.

The weather and the beaches: The Papagayo region and the Northwest coast of Guanacaste has the best weather in the country, with over 320 days of sunshine and the least amount of rainfall anywhere in Costa Rica. The beaches in this area are by far some of the best in the entire country. The beaches in the area are great for swimming without the fear of rip tides and monstrous waves. Snorkeling, scuba, fishing, paddle boarding and kayaking are some of the favorite things to do here in the area.

Growing Expat Community: The Papagayo area is known as a community of Ticos, Americans, Canadians and Europeans. This makes for the feeling of almost being home but not. Many selected this area to retire to or to invest in, as there are a number of foreigners that live here. Furthermore, the locals Ticos as they call themselves are very warm and welcoming, unlike other Central American countries and still are the majority of the population.

Infrastructure: Due to the growth of the area and development, the region has some of the best roads in the country and is getting better all the time. There is 4G cellular service, high speed Internet and Wi-Fi all over the place as well as all of the comforts of home. There are dozens of restaurants and stores of all kinds in the area as well as casinos, movie theaters, four major grocery stores and of course local farmers markets and small fish markets, butchers and almost every service provider you can think of.

Private Schools: Since many North Americans and Europeans are relocating with children to the Papagayo area, and good reason to do so, there are some very good accredited private bi-lingual schools in this area. Here are links to a few that I have heard great things about.

International Christian School – Located in Liberia

Lakeside International School – Located in Sardinal

Dolphin’s Academy School – Located in Playa Del Coco

La Paz Community School – Located in Brasilito and Tempisque.  

So when considering what part of Costa Rica you should visit for vacation or if you have a desire to relocate and invest in Costa Rica, Guanacaste and this area of the Gold Coast should be your first choice to make.

In general, yes. Guanacaste is a tourist area, so basic common sense for travelers prevails. Don’t leave personal belongings in your car and always lock the doors. Same as in your house, don’t leave any personal belongings in places people can see it – out of sight, out of mind.

The Guanacaste Airport (LIR) | Daniel Oduber Quiros Airport is about 20 minutes drive from Playa Hermosa (15 minutes to Playa Panama, 25 minutes to Playas del Coco & Ocotal). SJO – Juan Santa Maria airport in San Jose is about a 4 – 5 hour drive depending on traffic, construction, weather etc.

Within a 20 minute drive or less there are at least 100 restaurants of all kinds from the family run “sodas” to dining of “haute cuisine”. There are restaurants to accommodate every kind of taste and budget. 

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